Making cod4 modded servers visiable InGame Server

14 years 1 month ago #1 by {FF}Aman
How to make the cod4 modded servers visible in the In Game Server List.

How to Play on Modded Servers, Custom Maps in Call of Duty 4

So how do we get access to these mods and open Call of Duty 4 to a whole new realm of possibilities?

Making cod4 modded servers visible and Playing on modded servers is simple.

First go to the list of online multiplayer Call of Duty 4 servers like you would if you were joining an other game.

Then click the Filter option from the menu at the top of the screen.

This will bring up a menu allowing you to sort servers by different specifications:

click the button that says Mods and change it to Yes or All.

click the button that says Mods and change it to Yes or All.

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